


重くて使いづらいけど、「時間軸を超えて祖父と出会える」そんな想いに浸れるカメラ。 (20代 女性)

Grandfather’s Camera

This camera belonged to my grandfather, who I have never seen except in a photograph.
Luckily, when I got interested in photography, the camera was handed down to me.
Repaired at the shop, the camera recovered its shutter sound for the fifi rst time in decades.
Heavy and diffiffi cult to handle though it is, the camera makes me feel as if I “could pass across space and time to meet my grandfather.” (A woman in her 20s)


その感情をうまく処理するために、写真に残し、飾ることにしている。 (20代 女性)


There are two persons inside me; one who thinks it is enough to have memories of a thing and the other who regrets having let the thing go.
To balance the two, I take a photograph and display it. (A woman in her 20s)


妻はそのことを思い出せないというが。 (50代 男性)

Personal Organizer

I bought this personal organizer at Maruzen Bookstore after much agonizing over whether to buy or not to buy. Back then, Filofax was the cool thing that movie directors and people in show business began to use, the object of my dreams.
The day I bought Filofax, I told my girlfriend (now my wife) how wonderful it was in the Inoda Coffff ee Shop.
That, my wife says, she doesn’t remember, though. (A man in his 50s)


デッサンの技術を毎日叩き込まれた苦痛や達成感、分かり出したときの喜びなど、いろいろと思い出します。 (20代 女性)

Pencil Stubs

When I took a drawing class in high school, I started getting sketch pencils one by one.
I have used and worn them down but have rarely discarded any of them.
Many pencil stubs remained behind.
Seeing them now, I can recall various things.
Daily drawing exercises were hard ones, but they also gave me a sense of accomplishment. When I began to get the knack of drawing,
I felt happiness. (A woman in her 20s)


父の歳をとうに過ぎて、父を愛しく思うのです。 (50代 女性)

Father’s Gift Inherited from My Big Sister

“A Maiden’s Prayer” was on. If my father were still alive, he would be eighty-nine now.
Then what would we talk about?
Having way passed the age when he died,
I think tenderly about my father. (A woman in her 50s)


並べてみるとそれぞれを弾いていたろのとが大切に思い出されます。 (50代 男性)

Three Violins

These three violins I used at diffff erent times in my life.
I used the 1/16 size violin when I was four years old
and began to have violin lessons. I began to use the 1/4 size violin
when I was about seven, and the full size violin when I was about twenty
and resumed playing after staying away from it for a long time.
Playing the violin might cure my left-handedness,
which seemed to be the reason at fifi rst. Placed side by side like this,
each violin awakens my memories of the time when I played it.
(A man in his 50s)


(40代 男性)

Father’s Father and Father

My grandfather was a strong-minded man,
decisive and unhesitating like a big clock set up in his store.
He was often wearing sunglasses.
When he slept, he was sleeping with one eye open.
When he needed to wash the eye, he took it out by himself.
He passed away with a bullet in his head,
a bullet that was there for a long time.
He was a gentle person. (A man in his 40s)

他の愛用品とは少し違う、特別な存在です。 (20代 女性)

Turn of Fate

For many years I have been using these gloves.
Quite a few times I left them behind at various places.
but each time they came back to mi no matter how long it took.
They are something special, somewhat different
from the other things I usually use.
(A woman in her 20s)


(40代 男性)

Picture Book and Buttons

When I was a child, everything that met my eyes turned into a toy.
The line along the edge of tatami mats tightly placed together
on the flfl oor became a railway track when I stuck some foxtails in it.
The things I saw, whether in a picture book, while taking a walk,
or in a dream, were all together in one world.
But before I knew, borderlines were drawn dividing them
into diffff erent worlds.
So I have to remember they were once in the same world.
(A man in his 40s)


原点を忘れないための大切な存在になっています。 (40代 男性)

Father’s Anthony Camera

This camera was given to my father from his master’s photo studio
in celebration of the opening of his own studio.
Though barely used, the camera is still here in our studio,
reminding us of where we started.
(A man in his 40s)


梅谷 1995

西の畑 1996

ツタの小屋、井平尾 1995

東の竹林 1996

ゲートボール選手 1995

線路わきのポプラの木 1995

線路わきの桜 1995

夏の朝、口畑 1996

登大路の用水路 1995

木津川 1996